إستقالة فولكر……..

Dear colleagues,

I hope you and your loved ones are doing well despite the difficulties and uncertainty you continue to face during these challenging times.

Many of you will be following today’s briefing to the Security Council. Let me give you a heads up here so that you’re not caught by surprise when you hear me coming to the end of my briefing: It is with great sadness that I will announce this will be my last briefing to the Security Council in my current role, and that I have asked the Secretary-General to relieve me of this duty.

Let me at this point say that I take this step in full coordination and with the backing of the Secretary-General, whose support in the last months I am particularly grateful for. I will come to Nairobi next week and will have the chance to speak to you all in a Townhall – to explain further, to thank you for your support and dedication – and to hear from you.


Best regards,


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